How To Keep Your Water Heater In Peak Condition During The Cold Months

Home | How To Keep Your Water Heater In Peak Condition During The Cold Months


As we enter the winter season, we naturally rely on our water heaters more and make them work harder than usual. This ratchets up the possibility of issues developing that could possibly lead to malfunction–especially if not given special attention and maintenance. Sugar Bear Plumbing offers water heater repair in San Francisco CA, to give your heater the attention it needs to perform well when you need it the most.

Let’s take a look at the things you can do to maintain your heater in excellent condition throughout the winter season.

Don’t Max Out The Temperature

Turning the heater all the way up during winter can be tempting, given the constant need for hot water. However, doing so will eventually wear down your heater and you’ll need to call for water heater services sooner rather than later.

Flush Your Water Heater

Unless you have a tankless water heater, you’ll need to have regular flushing. Doing so helps remove materials that may have accumulated in your water heater tank. To flush, simply fix a hose to the drain valve of your and channel the water outside. It should be done regularly to increase durability and lifespan. For best results, call your local plumber.

Add Insulation

Adding insulation is one of the most common practices for water heater maintenance–especially in cold climates. Simply adding insulation can help boost your water heater’s efficiency. It can also help to prolong its lifespan and effectively keep premature water heater replacement procedures at bay.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

Constantly Checking the pressure release valve and anode rod, among others, are essential water heater maintenance routines you should never skip. Regular checkups help keep the heater’s mechanisms in proper working order so they can function properly even in winter. Remember, though, that while water heater maintenance may seem like a simple task, it’s still better to leave it to the professionals.

By following these tips, you can be sure that your water heater will be in perfect condition throughout winter and even beyond. For quality water heater installation, maintenance, and repairs, turn to Sugar Bear Plumbing. We provide the plumbing solutions you need. Contact us today to schedule a service appointment!

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